BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents > Changing a document’s type

Changing a document’s type

Changing the document type of a document causes the document to take on all of the characteristics of the destination document type: its file naming convention, workflow, revision numbering, and so on. This is useful to transition a document from a preproduction phase to a production phase of its life cycle. Another example is to change a document with a normal document type to a hybrid document type.

Warning    If the document type you change to does not use the same properties as the original document type, you will lose access to that information.

To change a document’s type:

  1. Select the document that you want to change.
  2. On the Document menu, select Change Document Type. The Select Document Type dialog box appears.
  3. Select a new document type. If a scope is active, document types that are not enabled for that scope will not appear for selection.
  4. Click OK. The document type of the selected document is changed.

Because changing the document type of a document cannot be performed on locked documents, they will be automatically unlocked when the Change Document Type command is executed.

Related tasks

Opening a document from within Meridian

Editing properties

Setting a property value

Changing the revision number of an existing document

Issuing a new file name

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